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Find your Tutor in 3 Steps

Step 1: Choose your teacher

Browse through our diverse pool of experienced and passionate educators

Step 2: Connect and chat

Initiate a conversation with your selected teacher on WhatsApp. Ask questions, share learning goals, and get to know your teacher on a personal level.

Step 3: Start your journey

Arrange a convenient timing with your teacher and start learning. Whether it's a 1-1 session or a group class, enjoy the flexibility to learn at your own pace and convenience.

Find Your Perfect Tutor
See what our members are saying
I was struggling with Chemistry, I knew I needed extra help but didn't know where to turn. That's when I stumbled upon TutorRoll and found Ms Chan. I was initially nervous about working with a tutor but the portal provided a safe and reliable way to connect with experienced tutors who truly cared about helping me succeed.

Clara Lee

Hwa Chong Institution, 2023

Thanks to TutorRoll, I was able to find a tutor that not only fit my specific needs but also fit my budget. I would highly recommend this platform to any student who is struggling and needs extra help. It truly is a game-changer!

Johnathan Low

J2 Student (2023)

The platform was incredibly easy to use and allowed me to input my specific needs and preferences for a tutor. Within a matter of hours, I got multiple responses from qualified tutors who were eager to help me. The best part was that I was able to review their profiles and choose the tutor who I felt would be the best fit for my child.

Lindy Tan

Mother of Pri 6 Child

Average Singapore Tuition Rate

These are the estimated market rates tutors will quote you for their services based on their level of experience.

Level / 
Tutor Experience
Part-time Tutors
Full-time Tutors
Ex/Current MOE Teachers
Lower Pri
Upper Pri
Lower Sec
Upper Sec

What type of tutor are you looking for?

Part-Time Tutors
Mostly University Undergraduates
Provide tuition as a part-time career
1-3 Years of experience
Young and Vibrant (Average Age of 20+)
Small Age Gap with Students, able to relate
Scored Good grades during schooling days (A*/A1)
Most budget-friendly option
Browse Tutors
Full-Time Tutors
Mostly University Graduates
Provide tuition as a full-time career
>5 Years of experience
Able to recommend/provide learning materials
Large pool of students, often teaching students of same level
Able to cope with students of all ages and abilities
Highest level of commitment
Reasonable tuition rates
Browse Tutors
Ex/Current MOE Teachers
MOE & NIE trained school teachers
Highly familiar with MOE syllabus and national examinations
In-depth and well-versed teaching pedagogy
Able to provide special learning material
Highly experienced with all types of students
Most qualified tutor option
Browse Tutors

Why Use TutorRoll to find your Tutor

Freedom to choose your own tutor
Select from our large database of tutor. Use our filters to find one who matches your needs.
Read peer reviews of tutors
Make informed decisions and select a tutor with a proven track record of helping others succeed.
Speak to tutors directly without a middle man
Direct line of communication ensure you are able to properly vet tutors before the first lesson.


Hi, I’m Megan 👋

I started TutorRoll to empower tutors in their careers. As an ex-tutor, I understand the struggle of finding the right tuition work.

After completing my A Levels, I taught H2 Geography tuition but faced difficulties in finding students, often taking on distant jobs assigned by tuition agencies that took a percentage cut.

I felt there has to be a better way so I created TutorRoll to put the power back in teachers’ hands. TutorRoll enables tutors to showcase their services online, gain credibility with reviews, and foster organic teacher-student matching.

Megan Ng

Founder of TutorRoll

Frequently Asked Questions

How are tutors on TutorRoll selected?

We take the quality of our tutors seriously. Tutors on TutorRoll undergo a rigorous screening process to ensure they meet our standards. We verify their educational qualifications, teaching experience, and conduct background checks. Additionally, we encourage students to provide feedback and ratings after each tutoring session, which helps us maintain a high standard of tutoring excellence.

How much does TutorRoll cost?

Signing up and creating a profile on TutorRoll is completely free for both students and tutors. However, once a tutoring session is scheduled and completed, tutors may charge a fee for their services. The rates vary based on factors like subject, expertise level, and session duration. For market rates, you can refer here for market rates.

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